Free list with real estate requests
Wanted Propertys for sale in Italy, Spain, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay

Real estate for self-sufficiency wanted

Farms for self-support - self-sufficient living - wanted for sale in Italy, Spain, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay

Existences - hotel - farm for the purchase searched

Hotel, farm and businesses to build an existence abroad. Wanted in Italy, Spain, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, South Africa etc.

Real estate abroad - vacation properties wanted

House by the sea, villa by the sea or with sea view, hotel, farm worldwide wanted to buy. Important the buyer must become 100% owner of the property and land after purchase.

Energy plants solar, wind, hydroelectric power plant wanted

Solar farms on the grid or projects RTB in Germany and Europe

Hydroelectric power plants on the grid or RTB in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Europe.

Wind farm on the grid or RTB in Germany and Europe.

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Real Estate International - our offer

Buy and sell international property

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Paraguay

Properties for sale Caribbean, Spain and Italy

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