Properties for sale Hungary


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Costs when buying property in Hungary?

- Lawyer 1% of the purchase price of the property
- Land register excerpt 10 Euro
- entry in the land register 20 euros
- Property transfer tax depending on the type of property:
- undeveloped land, development within 4 years 0%
- Detached house and apartment to 4 million forints 2%
- Detached house and apartment from 4 million forints 6%
- Hotel, wine farm, commercial real estate etc. 10%
- Property tax depending on the municipality
- VAT in Hungary: 27%

Purchase contract in Hungary:
According to ITDH, the purchase takes place in written form via notary or lawyer admitted in Hungary, costs 1% of the purchase price.
Within 30 days after signing, the contract of sale must be submitted to the competent land registry office. Registration takes about 6 months.

Industrial equipment in Budapest

Purchase of hydropower plant HU-EE-25 Purchase of hydropower plant HU-EE-25
1007 Budapest
Sale price 34.000.000 Euro negotiable
ap. 36.811.100 USD

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