Exposé number 1119894

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Methanol Produktion QR-Code Gas-Chemischer Komplex zur Methanolproduktion

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Gas-chemical complex for methanol production

Exposé number:


City - Town:

101000 Moscow



Country: Russia
Sale price: USD
1 % vom Kaufpreis
In the Russian Federation. Exact location will only be specified after proof of capital.
The project is the construction of a gas-chemical complex (GCC) for the production of methanol
Geographical location
The planned GCC will have a financing structure
From 20% to30% - investor financing
From80% to70% - loan financing
Geographic focus and market
In many cases, the shortage of raw materials in the target markets exceeds the production capacity of the plant.
Asia, Europe and Russia are considered as target markets.
4 years for project development, construction and commissioning
Total investment US$ 1,100,000,000
Annual revenue US$ 359,000,000
Raw material
After commissioning, the GCC will process up to 1.2 billion cubic meters of natural gas per year.
The available volume for use is 2.6 billion cubic meters - the limit will be allocated by Gazprom and the technical conditions for connection to its gas transport system will be granted.
Supplier of raw materials
Natural gas is sourced from the Gazprom structure.
Energy supply
Power plant unit with a capacity of approx. 8 MW, operating on natural gas and steam
Property Viewing:
Russia Gas-chemical complex for methanol production
Location Russia, 101000 Moscow, Moscow - Gas-chemical complex for methanol production the marking in the map is for your orientation. Due to privacy and discretion, exact locations are not shown. EfG uses Google Maps to create the maps. The maps according to the geo-data created by Google.
Privacy Policy:
Disclaimer for the offer in Russia 101000 Moscow / Moscow - Gas-chemical complex for methanol production: Data protection: Your data will be treated discreetly by EfG and passed on to the parties involved, e.g. sellers, in the course of your enquiry. For your security: Our website, contact form and e-mails are ssl - verified, encrypted. EfG privacy policy with data storage.

The offer was last updated on April 27, 2024

  1. https://www.efg-immo.com/portal/objekt.1119894.int.html
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