Exposé number 1137556

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Small investment package with over 5% yield EfG 1137556-D

Exposé number:


City - Town:

59602 Rüthen


Nordrhein-Westfalen (NRW)

Country: Germany   Infos Property purchase
Living Area: 555 m²
Sale price: 890.000 Euro
ap. 963.600 USD
Faktor ist 19,816,5 kurzfristig möglich
Brutto Mieteinnahmen ? 45.000 / ca. Rendite: 5.06 %
Investment package consisting of 7 apartments for sale.
The offer also includes a garage and five parking spaces.
All apartments with terrace or balcony.

All apartments are permanently let.
The yield is currently € 45.000.-- p.a.
The last rent adjustment was in 2021.
The apartments are partially renovated
partly equipped with new electric panel radiators
Bathrooms partially renovated
Different bathroom fittings, including bathtub

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
The offer was last updated on July 27, 2024

  1. https://www.efg-immo.com/portal/objekt.1137556.int.html
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