Country information and property purchase in Poland
Country Information Poland: Poland borders on the Baltic Sea to the north, Lithuania to the east and the CIS states Belarus, the Russian Federation and Ukraine, to the south to the Czech and Slovak Republics and to the west to Germany.
Purchase costs when buying property in Poland
- Stamp duty: 2%
- Do not pay VAT to private individuals only stamp duty
- Notary fees: 0.5 to 3%, decrease with rising real estate price
- Property tax: different depending on the municipality
- VAT Poland: 23%, reduced rate 8%, heavily reduced 5%.
Real estate purchase in Poland Real estate can be sold in Poland directly through the owners or through licensed brokers as intermediaries. There is no need for a separate transfer of ownership, but only a notarized deed to be issued. Real estate may not be transferred subject to a time limit, but must be entered immediately into the land register. Buyers should note that mortgages that may be charged to the property acquired will be transferred to the purchaser upon purchase. Before the purchase, the land register should be reviewed, burdens, ownership, etc. Buyers may insist on the conclusion of a preliminary contract that binds both parties to the conclusion of the purchase contract. This will prevent the seller from withdrawing from the contract. The buyer can withdraw from the contract if gross defects exist on the property or the ownership is not clearly regulated. If the seller eliminates all defects, then the purchase comes to a standstill. If he can not or if he does not, then the purchase is obsolete.
Provinces of Poland: 16 voivodships
Warminsko-Mazurskie capital Olsztyn covers the north-eastern part of Poland.
Wielkopolskie capital Poznan and about 30,000 km² is the second largest province in the country after Masovia.
Swietokrzyskie is the smallest region after Opole.
Podkarpackie capital Rzeszów in the extreme south-eastern Poland, adjacent to Ukraine and Slovakia.
Malopolskie capital Krakow covers the southern part of Poland.
Kujawsko-Pomorskie is located in northern central Poland.
Lubuskie borders Germany to the west and Greater Poland to the east.
Lódzkie in central Poland. Capital Lódz is the third largest city in Poland.
Llubelskie capital Lublin in the eastern part of Poland and borders on Belarus and Ukraine.
Mazowieckie is the largest voivodeship in Poland with the capital Warsaw.
Dolnoslaskie capital Wroclaw. Wroclaw is the fourth largest city in Poland.
Opolskie capital Opole in the southwestern part of Poland.
Podlaskie capital Bialystok, located in north-eastern Poland.
Pomorskie capital Gdansk
Slaskie capital Katowice the most densely populated voivodeship.
Zachodniopomorskie capital Szczecin is located in the north-western part of Poland.